My Revolutionary

Preview or purchase this song HERE. (Released November 2020)

All profit from this single will be donated to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for its work in protecting the people’s right to protest. A functioning democracy that’s held accountable to its population depends on this right and our other rights outlined in the First Amendment.


Raise your sign and march for your rights (so cherry cherry, so cherry cherry)
Freedom’s never won without a fight (so cherry cherry, so cherry cherry)

So Cherry Cherry, My Revolutionary

First Amendment yeah been under attack (so very scary, so very scary)
Stand up and demand they get off your back (so cherry cherry, so cherry cherry)

So Cherry Cherry, My Revolutionary


2020 has been tragically plagued with not only the coronavirus pandemic and social injustices, but also by deplorable, repeated attacks on our First Amendment rights to peacefully assemble and protest. The president and US Attorney General ordered peaceful protesters to be cleared off public streets with use of brutal force in order to obtain the self-serving president’s infamous photo-op outside a church near the White House (the bishop and other members of the church condemned these authoritarian actions). In nearly every state, peaceful protesters demanding racial justice were often met with the military-style tactics of local and state armed forces, including tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper spray, beatings, and even terrifying snatches of activists by plain-clothed forces in unmarked vans, causing confusion about whether someone was just arrested or kidnapped.

If we do not actively and continuously protect our First Amendment, we will lose our rights to protest and assemble along with our freedom of speech, the press, and religion. Whoever said, “If you don’t use it, you lose it” might have been referring to a body part for all I know, but the catchy phrase could be applied to our First Amendment. Try to do your civic duty and engage at least a bit on occasion; with creativity, it’s often a fun way for people to connect in a meaningful way with our work-in-progress-democracy.

…(return to the ‘Justice Jar’ page)…

— Lillie (song & chorus line by Tim; lyrics of verses by Lillie)

© November 2020 Clay Babies

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